Music - Instrumental

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Welcome to Instrumental Music


Mrs. Chandler - [email protected]


Hello, and welcome to the instrumental music site! My name is Mrs. Chandler and I am the instrumental music teacher at Conover Road Elementary School. I am looking forward to working with the fifth grade students returning to the program and I am anxious to meet the fourth grade students that will be signing up for the program in the fall.

Music has always been a large part of my life and I look forward to introducing students to how wonderful a musical experience can be! This will be an exciting and music-filled year! Let me give you a general overview of the band program here at CRES.

Our school offers an instrumental music program to both fourth and fifth graders. Students may choose to play one of the following instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone or Percussion.

Both fourth and fifth grade instrumental music students attend half hour lessons during the school day once a week. They are grouped by homogeneous instruments and class size is usually no more than eight students. Instrumentalists also meet once a week for band practice.

The second year of instruction on a band instrument is a continuation of the first. All concepts and skills learned during the fourth grade year are reviewed and reinforced throughout the fifth grade year. New playing techniques, new notes, new rhythmic patterns, new musical terminology, and new music theory concepts are learned and reinforced as well.

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