K-5 Health Units
Unit 1 - Safety (Sept-Nov)
K-2: Fire Safety, Bike Safety, Playground Safety, Halloween Safety, Stranger Safety/Safe Strangers,, Safe/Unsafe touch/Personal Space, 911 emergencies
3-5: Fire Safety/Minor Burns, Bike Safety/Rules of the Road, Basic First Aid, Heimlich, Tick bites and Lyme Disease, CPR/AED (4-5)
Unit 2- Health Promotion/Disease Prevention (Nov-Jan)
K-2: Brushing Teeth, Hygiene, Germs, Doctor/Dentist visits/tools, Cold Symptoms, Immune System intro
3-5: Dental Hygiene, Immune System parts/functions, Common Medicines- OTC vs Prescription, Common Diseases- Risk Factors/Symptoms/Treatment
Unit 3- Mental, Emotional, Social Health (Jan-Feb)
K-2: Conflict Resolution, Bullying, Identifying Emotions/Feelings,, Safely/Effectively Expressing Emotions, Mindfulness exercises, Character Building/Self Esteem/Accepting Differences, Common Gender-role Stereotypes and their affect on self esteem (Gr.2)
3-5: Conflict Resolution, Types of Bullying/Cyberbullying,, Peer Pressure, Refusal Strategies, Stress/Stressors, Coping Skills, Mindfulness Exercises, Gender-role Stereotypes(Gr 5), Potentially dangerous/uncomfortable situations & ways to get help (bullying, harassment, peer pressure, violence/abuse)(Gr 5)
Unit 4- Drugs and Medicine (March-April)
K-2: What medicines are/Common medicines, Vitamins, How medicine helps your body/When they are needed, Rules about Medicine, Dangerous Chemicals/Tobacco use (2)
3-5: Over the counter vs Prescriptions, Second hand smoke, Tobacco use, Effect of alcohol/tobacco/vaping on body and mind (4+5), Effect of Advertisements & Peer Pressure/Refusal strategies
**Grade 5 will participate in the LEAD Program with Colts Neck Township Police (Law Enforcement Against Drugs)
Unit 5- Nutrition and Healthy Eating (April-May)
K-2: Food Groups, MyPlate Guide, Building Healthy Meals, Positive impact on body and brain
3-5: MyPlate Guide, Balanced Diet, Choosing Healthy Options, Nutrition Labels, Creating healthy meals, Positive impact on body systems
Unit 6- Human Growth and Development (May-June)
K-2: Five senses, Basic Organs/Parts of the Body, How exercise affects body and brain
3:: Systems of the Body
4: Keeping Body Systems Healthy/Strong, Components of Fitness, Cooperation/Team Building
5: “Family Life”- Puberty, Hygiene, Structure of Reproductive System/Organs, basic stages of pregnancy starting from fertilization, Definitions of sexual orientation and gender identity, common gender-role stereotypes and their affect on self esteem
** Boys and Girls are separated for 5th grade Family Life unit and a detailed permission slip will be sent home prior to unit (via google form) **